Showing posts with label PSYCHIC. Show all posts

Psychometry Read on Bigfoot Hair

Upon occasion, I get asked to do a psychometry read on an object. Psychometry is the psychic ability to touch an object and gather informati...

Improving Your Psychic Skills

My best advice to psychics is to avoid the three major pitfalls. 1. Ego. Ego dictates you want to make people happy, you want to score, you...

Psychometry: Can Spirits Attach to Objects?

(A captain's carved chair from my summer home as a child) My personal answer to "do spirits attach to objects?" is - no, souls...

How Psychic Investigators Can Benefit From Psychic Mediums

*This is a guest post written by Danielle of Psychic Waters* Paranormal investigators specialise in investigating buildings and locations th...

Spiritual and Healing Consultants: Finding What You Need

Finding the right spiritualist for your particular needs is critical to becoming whole. The next step is finding the practitioner who suits...

How-To Develop Your Psychic Skills

Psychics. How are they made? Well, I like to think of it as practiced. One needs to have the right exposure the first 3 critical years (look...

The Psychometry of Hoarding

I'm asked about objects and psychometry (psychic ability to read information from an object about the person who handled it prior) -  I...

The Three Obstacles to Accurate Psychic Reads

There are three enemies of any good psychic read. You've probably seen it happen on those TV psychic reads when the psychic misses the m...

Proper Psychic Conduct

I have a pretty strong opinion about proper conduct for psychics. This is because I work my skills and I take it very seriously. I do not ma...

Vlog Friday: The Spirit Realm

This is the first of a series of vlog discussing the spirit realm and mediumship, how to understand the universal perspective and how to int...

Proof of Sixth Sense Right Before Our Eyes!

We don't speak of it often. It's like it's some secret knowledge no one wants to acknowledge- the sixth sense. I grew up with ab...