Showing posts sorted by relevance for query Paranormal Activity Pictures. Sort by date Show all posts
Workplace Haunting: The Rosenheim Poltergeist

Workplace Haunting: The Rosenheim Poltergeist

(Start at 2:38) Wikipedia: The case of the Rosenheim Poltergeist is that of a poltergeist haunting in Rosenheim in southern Bavaria (German...
Transcript Fact or Faked Q&A

Transcript Fact or Faked Q&A

I have the transcript from the telephone conference call Q&A with the "Fact or Faked" folks and once you read this and all the...
Haunted by Repetitive Thoughts? How to Beat the Demons of the Mind

Haunted by Repetitive Thoughts? How to Beat the Demons of the Mind

( Above: I reuse everything and adore using elements of nature to give me peace at home. The runner is nothing more than bamboo plant stakes...
Ways to Experience the Paranormal

Ways to Experience the Paranormal

People who haven't experienced something unexplainable and otherworldly either don't believe it's possible or believe it's p...
The In-your-face over-the-top CGI-zation of horror movies

The In-your-face over-the-top CGI-zation of horror movies

I’ve been thinking about this a lot the past few years. When “I am Legend” with Will Smith came out a few years ago, I was excited. That is ...
Is Your Psychic Sense Run by the Autonomic System?

Is Your Psychic Sense Run by the Autonomic System?

You have a vivid dream of being in an airplane. People are screaming around you. The attendant is rushing down the aisle. The plane pitches....
Psychic Projections?

Psychic Projections?

1966 Ted Serios a bellhop from Chicago claimed to be able to project thoughts onto Polaroid film. Interestingly, some of his best results we...