Showing posts sorted by relevance for query Paranormal Activity 3 Is It Scary. Sort by date Show all posts
My Book Released! "Was That a Ghost?"

My Book Released! "Was That a Ghost?"

Here's my writing blog . Yeah, I know, I just released Julie and I's "Abandoned Places: Abandoned Memories (Desert Edition)...
Black-Eyed Kids: Who Are They? WHAT Are They?

Black-Eyed Kids: Who Are They? WHAT Are They?

(My art piece - more on that below) Black-eyed children have been the talk of many para groups and curious readers who wonder - just what is...
Halloween Movie Marathon Themes and Planning

Halloween Movie Marathon Themes and Planning

There are hundreds of great horror movies you could watch this month, but there are some that define every aspect of the Halloween month in ...
Ways to Experience the Paranormal

Ways to Experience the Paranormal

People who haven't experienced something unexplainable and otherworldly either don't believe it's possible or believe it's p...
Destination Truth: You Are Loved!

Destination Truth: You Are Loved!

I'm having Josh Gates withdrawal. Thanks to Barry at Gnostalgia , I found out why Josh wears the necklace. Not as exciting a story as I ...
The 1970s Paranormal Geek Breeding Ground

The 1970s Paranormal Geek Breeding Ground

The 1970s ushered in a whole new love for the paranormal for the first time since the early 20th century spiritualists' movement. Anyone...
This Week in Horror Movies and Paranormal TV

This Week in Horror Movies and Paranormal TV

We can’t expect “Ghost Adventures” until the summer is ending (September). Don’t worry, when it does start up again, I will be featuring the...