Showing posts with label GHOST HUNTING THEORIES. Show all posts

Mind Fuck: Death and the "Other" Dimension

I've talked before about heaven possibly being the fourth dimension and how in our 3-dimensional world, we draw on a piece of paper some...

Parapsychology Research: Global Consciousness

This is my new series exploring research in the field of parapsychology. Today, we're discussing global consciousness. IONS (Institute ...

NDEs: Interdimensional Travel?

If you want to cut to the 5-minute mark on this video, it begins her description on the "other side." She had a brain aneurysm and...

Is Heaven Synesthetic?

I'm intrigued by NDEs (near-death experiences). My father had one when I was 16. It was days before he died the final time. He had a hea...

Ground Zero Museum Relics

Watch A&E today for the best coverage of 9-11 Memorial. It will be a very good variety of shows, specials, insights, and movies. It'...

Why Are Lighthouses Haunted?

(Newpoint-Comfort Lighthouse) As a kid, our summer home was on a quiet inlet of the Chesapeake Bay. My favorite place to visit was a tiny ro...

Theory Soup

**At noon EST, I will have a post up with the winner of the contest from yesterday** I have to admit that my questions and correlations seem...

Death Becomes What?

Popularly termed NDEs, near-death experiences have been with us for as long as man has recorded his history for others to read. The moment o...

Future Haunted America?

Europe is steeped in hauntings with a bloody history from the time of early Pagans to Viking invaders, Crusades and Black Death. You take a ...

Ghosts & Infrasound

In April 1998, the Journal of the Society for Psychical Research published a paper called ‘The Ghost in the Machine’ by Coventry University ...

Ghost Hunting in a 3-Dimensional World! Our Team POE

I'd like to thank Red Shoes for being yet another intelligent blogger who brought up a subject that made me think about an avenue of gh...

KII: Useless Tool

I've learned over time the KII meter is absolutely useless as "proof" of paranormal activity. Not only does the meter not go o...

Adaptability in Ghost Hunting

J&G have us believing that you walk into a client's home. You do a breezy interview, note the hot spots and stories, set up the equi...

Science and the Paranormal

I've said it often and believe it with all my heart; even if ghostly activity is launched from the spiritual realm as many believe, it s...

Theories and Testing

Y'all know the reason I got started with GHT was to knock around theories in the field, step outside the box, question authorities and g...

Pursuing the Paranormal--Persevere!

We find one thing in common in paranormal phenomena; degrees of "proof." Ghost hunting: Anecdotal stories by those who have had s...

Mind Fuck Tuesday: Spirit Vessels: Why Are Some Buildings Haunted?

Did ancients know something that we have lost sight of with our desire to create a world of plastic and silicon? With great pain and great s...

Clouds and UFOs, Ghosts and Fog--Hmm???

Just go to the halfway point of this supposed UFO film and watch it to the end. I'm intrigued by the notion that a cloud or fog could he...

Mind Fuck Tuesday: Is Heaven the Next Dimension?

This is my best mind fuck so far and I do hope to continue these sorts of theoretical discussions often this year on the blog, so tighten yo...

Looking For Commonalities in Hauntings

A lot of ghost hunters tackle ghost hunting case by case, moment by moment. They're looking for explanations (debunking) and then they&#...