Showing posts with label favs. Show all posts

Quantum Spaces: Understanding "Trapped" Spirits and the Human Mind's Hidden Jewel

This post is extensive with links for those who wish to research further. I've come to some simple and yet astonishing conclusions that ...

Bigfoots' Skin

Bigfoot and gray skin  There's a lot of back and forth about descriptions of Bigfoots' skin, but the vast majority involve gray skin...

Renovations and Hauntings: The Startling Truths!

One of the most reported times for homeowners to have outbursts of ghostly activity occurs when they are renovating. Why is that?  Most peo...

Most Haunted Places: We Have It All Backwards

I get asked a lot - what is the most haunted place you know?  Answer: Everywhere is haunted. Sure the building above looks pretty spooky, s...