Showing posts with label URBEX. Show all posts
Abandoned Islands

Abandoned Islands

abandoned islands are the stuff adventure movies are made up of. We think of "Castaway" or "Swiss Family Robinson," but ...
Most Extreme Abandoned Sites in the World

Most Extreme Abandoned Sites in the World

There are tons of abandoned sites around the world, but some are in such remote or odd locations that they seem like some post-apocalyptic m...
Urbex: The Curse of the Slaughterhouse

Urbex: The Curse of the Slaughterhouse

I had my taser at the ready in case he was a fast runner.  The squatter set up homestead above the abandoned barn and hung a pirate flag to ...
Abandoned Places: Belongings Left Inside

Abandoned Places: Belongings Left Inside

It's rare that people leave a home with belongings intact. It takes a special set of circumstances for this to occur. Let's have a l...
Abandoned Places: Short Chillers

Abandoned Places: Short Chillers

  I'm ushering in the spooky season with some photos of abandoned places and short flash fiction beneath to give my readers an afternoon...
URBEX:  Abandoned Churches

URBEX: Abandoned Churches

There are so many types of abandoned buildings in America, but there is something so vulnerable and sad about an abandoned church. In perhap...