Riding the Paranormal Highway: Neutrinos?

One thing leads to another with me. I start down one path and end up finding a branch in the road that’s too tempting to follow. In my desire to learn more about conditions that might “feed” paranormal activity in this series “Riding the Paranormal Highway,” I came across an interesting particle that seemed like it might be applicable: the neutrino.

Facts about Neutrinos from Wikipedia “Neutrinos in Italian means “small neutral one.” They are elementary particles that often travel close to the speed of light, are electrically neutral, are able to pass through ordinary matter almost undisturbed and are thus extremely difficult to detect. Neutrinos have a minuscule, but nonzero mass. Neutrinos are created as a result of certain types of radioactive decay or nuclear reactions such as those that take place in the Sun, in nuclear reactors, or when cosmic rays hit atom.

More than 50 trillion solar electron neutrinos pass through the human body every second.

The existence of a neutrino mass strongly suggests the existence of a tiny neutrino magnetic moment of the order of 10−19 μB, allowing the possibility that neutrinos may interact electromagnetically as well.” They can be produced from background radiation decay produced by geologic features.

I think this is significant. If you’ve been following my theories on ghostly phenomenon, I’ve discovered a strong correlation between sites with the right geology, i.e. quartz, granite, and limestone to be especially active with paranormal events from strange lights, ghostly phenomenon, and even crop circles. The “haunted belt” of America includes Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, Kentucky, West Virginia, and Pennsylvania; the very location of a concentration of ghostly activity and other strange phenomenon. I also recently correlated high Radon levels there associated with the geology, wondering if Radon gas might have a tie into how paranormal activity is passed from geologic conditions to actual manifestation. It wasn’t a good fit, but I knew if I kept pursuing it, I might find the culprit.

Upon learning of neutrinos, I looked up a study being done on radioactive decay in a limestone mine in Virginia and the consequence on neutrino production. Interestingly, Geiger counters can pick up the background radioactivity of these geologically rich sites. This means, where there is breakdown of radioactive material, there is the production of neutrinos in higher levels. If, as above, neutrinos may interact electromagnetically, this might also explain why EMF meters have been found to be helpful in paranormal investigations.

To take it just a bit further, any fans of “Destination Truth” probably recall the bizarre Cheronbyl visit and the excessive amount of reports about paranormal activity there. Could the breakdown of radioactive material have fed this process by producing a burst of neutrino creation?

If you ask any psychic about how they perceive the interaction of psychic and object or psychic and person, they will tell you that it’s like radio waves. They are everywhere and we have no idea unless we have a radio receiver to discern them. Could neutrinos be the instigators of paranormal phenomenon? Could they be the means by which information from an object in the hand is taken in by the body and mind of the reader to perform psychometry? If they are electrically neutral, any place, any object would not affect its ability to penetrate and move on through other objects, other places, around the world and space. Is its neutral state one which can absorb and rub off things as it passes through things? Is this the "stuff" that unites us all?

I hope I’ve left you scratching your head, as I have been. Feel free to do some research on your own. I really want my blog to be a place we can kick around theories together and come to conclusions that seem to fit. I need a lot more minds than just my spastic one working on these puzzles.

p.s. If you’re interested more in neutrinos, here’s a simple article that is fascinating.

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Related : Riding the Paranormal Highway: Neutrinos?