Post by Autumnforest AND Dale the Doll

AUTUMN: Dale and I have had to put aside our differences during his more-than-usually-difficult month of October. You see, I brought in Skittles the Clown to try and intimidate Dale into behaving. His "possessed" doll ways leading up to Halloween were exhausting me.

DALE: Yeah, well, you try and be possessed by a mad sorcerer and see how cooperative you are, huh?

AUTUMN: Dale, please let me speak.

DALE: Technically, Human, you aren't speaking; you're writing.

AUTUMN: (rolls her eyes and huffs) As I was saying, I brought in Skittles the Clown to keep things in order since the only thing Dale fears is clowns.

DALE: And humans with hare-brained ideas.

AUTUMN: Well, it appears that Skittles is a quiet fellow. He doesn't speak. Ever. He just stares at us with his raised eyebrows and eyes the color the blackest night.

DALE: (chuckles) The Human has a way with words.

AUTUMN: Although he's keeping Dale in order, he is also intimidating me, as well. Both Dale and I find ourselves frozen in fear around him. And, whenever we try to sneak away, the clown doll finds us and stares at us like...

DALE: Like he knows what we're thinking (whispers and looks around nervously).

AUTUMN: (nods briskly) In fact, the only way we're able to write this post is that I found one thing that distracts him. He loves horror movies. I'm playing one right now for him.

Which one?

AUTUMN: "Poltergeist."

DALE: Oh, freaking hell, Human! Do you want to give him ideas?

AUTUMN: (puzzled) What do you mean?

DALE: The scene. You remember, the scene with the clown doll that pulls the kid under the bed (shivers)

AUTUMN: Oh shit!

DALE: Yeah, the human says that all the time because she acts before thinking.

AUTUMN: I think we better interrupt the movie. We'll keep you updated on our hostage situation, I mean, um, our Skittles the Clown situation.

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