The Spirit's Point of View

You know that moment in a dream when it's an emergency and you rush to a phone only to find you have no coins in any pockets or you can't remember the phone number no matter how hard you concentrate? How about when you run, but you're running in place and can't make any distance between you and your dream tormentor? Or the times when you scream for help but no voice comes out?

We spend a lot of time as hunters wondering how to capture moments with the other side, but imagine what it's like for the other side.

In a suddenly new noncorporeal (body-less) state, what is our existence like as a spirit? My first thought would be that we would suddenly recognize ourselves for the first time, no longer mired down by an electrical system, sensory input, aches and pains and gravity. There would be familiarity as if the very essence of our being is reunited with itself without deadlines, without human issues, without physics; sort of like when you finally get that relaxing day on a beach after years of overworking and you have nowhere to go, nothing to do, just the warm sun and the rhythm of the waves.

Movies portray it because it's a point of reference for humans, but would a ghost really experience that "phantom limb syndrome," but on a scale of "phantom body?" Think along the lines of Patrick Swayze in "Ghost" training himself to deal with the new limitless state and the fact that he can't just reach and open a door.

Not living within a physical world, a spirit should have a certain amount of omnipresence and the ability to be everywhere at once instead of "one body/one place" and the linear world the living have to experience. They could be at every beloved family member's home at once which might explain why in my family a few members across country saw my father at the same time upon his passing.

Without ears and an auditory canal and brain-stem, how the hell does a ghost hear us when we request they tap twice on the walls and then how in the hell does he tap on those walls?

If we look at haunting sites and psychic skills we come to the conclusion that a psychic can perform telekinesis (movement of objects with thought) and poltergeist activity produces movement of objects through spirit provocation, then why can't a spirit knock on the wall for us?

I focus on this often in my study of the paranormal, but for them to show themselves or sound themselves or give off scent, they have to work within our laws of physics. At some point, a spiritual being affects our world we live in.

Here's another consideration, can we affect their spirit world?

If we consider the spirit world like another dimension, and humans having a soul within, then we should also be able to affect their world. Is this the miracle that occurs with prayer? The studies that show that people that are prayed for and don't even know they are can improve in health by our spirit intention alone? Is this the realm the psychic medium is tapping when conversing with the other side? When someone performs telekinesis is their soul/spirit affecting our physics as it would in the afterlife scenario when it raps on the wall for our attention, only doing so while still held within a biological form?

Then, taking this one step further, is perhaps the communication pathway and only likely meeting point for the living and the dead using humans in their spiritual form, suspended from their physical form to communicate? In other words, are we doing this in our sleep every night when our bodies are in a paralysis mode so that our minds can be overly active?

Then, too, could some spirit activity be caused by the sleeping citizens around the world every night?

It's not even Mind Fuck Tuesday and I'm messing with your heads. These are things to consider when ghost hunting; what obstacles do spirits come up against in their desire to communicate with those of us stuck in a physical world and how can we meet them halfway?

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Related : The Spirit's Point of View