Adventure Sunday: Documentaries!

It's Adventure Sunday. I plan to stir up your lives and make you think about living and being adventurous. Even if you can't go Josh Gates style to Indonesia (and who the fuck wants to take a 15-hour flight?), I plan to get you going with adventures. First, I did how to dress for adventure.

Since the weather is not accommodating for most folks now, we're going to focus on adventures from with-in and then as the weather gets better, with-out. Today, we begin your life as an adventurer by learning, asking questions, seeking truths. Documentaries are the perfect place to start and I have a place online where you can pull up any that strike your fancy.

I found an awesome site called Top Documentary Films and sat back, delighted to find in their "documentaries list" that they had just about everything I could think of. Here's a sample of the types I pulled aside and watched.

5th Dimension Ghosts
Ghosts of the Underground
Crystal Skull Legend
Dan Akroyd Unplugged on UFOs
Ancient Mysteries Bigfoot

I do admit to a certain obsession about documentaries. A dream day off includes rain falling outside, a steaming cup of my homemade hot cocoa and a marathon of documentaries. I love the music, the narrator, the creepiness, the experts, the whole thing. I want to go into it with questions and come out of it with even more!

The thing I am discouraged about is that in recent years documentaries have changed. I love Michael Moore and I know his heart is in the right place, but I'd honestly rather have him hounding Capital Hill than making documentaries. I don't want someone going in and saying this is a documentary when they have an agenda. I want lots of information, spread out in a way that says, "we know you are intelligent and will gather your own conclusions, we will not spoonfeed you our point of view."

Consider this the prep for the Sunday Adventure posts to come. I am going to teach you more about how to bring adventure into your daily life and as the weather gets nicer here soon, I will give you unusual and often unknown places in your area to do a day hike to a ghost town or abandoned area or some famous movie location, weekend trips that include ghost-related stops on a road trip with a stay-over in a haunted locale.

My goal is to make us all shake up our lives, look for new experiences and bravely take that road you don't know and go forth with the curiosity and bravado of a child. As you can see above, I have my hat am ready to join you!

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Related : Adventure Sunday: Documentaries!