Inspirational Saturday: Tao

Tao: Metaphysical eastern philosophy term for "way," "path," or "route"

The Tao of Autumnforest:

Do it once with confidence.
Trust your first gut instinct.
Be fearless (of embarrassment or ghosts).
Stay in fighting shape.
Punctuate everything with a laugh (it attracts spirit activity and open-minded people like yourselves).
Always be your genuine self (then everyone knows what they're getting into when they befriend you)

The Tao of Scooby Doo:

Keep your circle of friends to include a jock, a cheerleader, a nerd and a stoner.
Don't go anywhere without munchies.
Everything can be explained, but until it is, it's pretty scary.
Everybody looks better in turtlenecks and headbands.
When all leads fails, the butler did it.

Taoists are have an interesting approach to the world and to their place in it. They use poetry a great deal because it is a more visceral way of portraying things that are not easy to explain in regular words. They also go about the natural world with childlike wonder and aimless wandering, including playfulness and communications with the natural spirit elements of the world like trees and flowers and streams. They have temples and monasteries, but a great deal of followers are lone practioners. They enjoy divination, through feng shui, calligraphy, art, alchemy. There are many ways to be a taoist.

This post is to open up your mind to ways to be inspired, to look at the universe. Now, after seeing my tao and the tao of the Scooby Doo gang, can you sum up your own life path/way in simple "truisms" that you know to be true for you?

Please share your tao in the comments.

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