Why? Why? Why?
Rods--Re-ally??? Bugs, solved long ago!
Bad UFO--Re-ally??? U-F-Os?????? `nuff said! I am quite done with UFO episodes. I know Ben is excited by them, but Ben, honey, there are only so many ways to test these and we're are soooooo sick of them all!
This new team member (I'm not bothering to learn her name because they will change the cast around if they make another season) is so posed and spokesmodel'ish that she doesn't fit in with the geeks. She's also overly perky which makes her seem kind of dullwitted since the others are trying to pretend what they're doing is important. The chemistry on the show is shot to hell. None of them seem to blend together at all.
They put a huge fan out in the desert and tossed shit in front of it (likely scenario--just bring me my generator) and then tried hanging a top hat on a fishing line (top hat, really?) and then they got a large Mylar balloon shaped like a spaceship and flew it overhead (remind you of another episode?)
Bugs in a netted tent, lights, camera--rods! Yada yada yada.
Fellas at Syfy--get with the program--totally revamp and make Ben the producer and let him fix this runaway train of tedium and repetition. `Nuff said.