Ancient Meets Modern: Is Mankind On the Brink of Transition?

Giant "T" shape in Chaco Canyon's Pueblo Bonito, New Mexico

Giant "T" shape in the rock of Puerta de Hayu Marka, Peru

Giant "T" shape cut into rock at Pumapunku, Bolivia

(Giant T- shape, Turkey - Gobekli)

Mound builders' symbols above (note bottom right and compare with pumapunku above - invert it)


T-shape:  There is a proposal today in engineering concerning a T-shaped piezoelectrical cantilever for generating electric power. 

At rest, electricity creates an electric field, in motion it creates electromagnetism (spiral).

Spiral - copper coils are effective because as electrical runs a course, it produces an electromagnetic field along the path. A circular (solenoid) carrying an electrical current will create electromagnetic energy along its axis

(very popular ancient symbol found around the world - ironically, this one at Chaco Canyon - like the T shape above and the circular building below- )

(Chaco Canyon)

(Chaco canyon symbol - looks a bit like a solenoid, huh?)

Solenoid:  In physics, the term refers specifically to a long, thin loop of wire, often wrapped around a metallic core, which produces a uniform magnetic field in a volume of space when an electric current is passed through it. A solenoid is a type of electromagnet when the purpose is to generate a controlled magnetic field.

(Ancient spirals found in Russia)

In the years 1991-1993, gold prospectors on the small river Narada, found unusual, mostly spiral-shaped objects. The size of these things ranges from a maximum of 3 cm (1.2 in.) down to an incredible 0.003 mm, about 1/10,000th of an inch! They have been found in the thousands at various sites mostly at depths between 3 and 12 meters (10 and 40 ft.)

The spiral-form objects are composed of various metals: copper, tungsten and molybdenum. All tests carried out to date them, give an age for the objects of between 20,000 and 318,000 years, depending on the depth and the situation of the site. (source)

Guess what the ancients loved to mine? (copper) Guess what their favorite symbol was (spiral)


Hadron supercollider

Hadron path

(Ancient stone structure in Ural Mountains, Russia)

(How the Ural Mountains structure was believed to look)


Is man just now getting closer to that level of understanding of the natural world that ancients (originators) had? What does this mean for us? Are we on the cusp of opening doors to other realms and if so, will we be seduced to enter them and the furthering of our evolution or will we stay in this toxic mortal plane?

Are more frequent encounters with "aliens" just another sign that they are helping on the transition and did the greys help the "originators" transition and now they are helping us as we near our own discoveries of the transport between the universes?

The writing might have been on the wall all along

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Related : Ancient Meets Modern: Is Mankind On the Brink of Transition?