Showing posts with label GHOSTS. Show all posts

Water as a Paranormal Conduit

In 2009, when I worked on my " Haunted Formula " by studying the qualities of 50 well documented haunted locations in the US, I fo...

Vlog Friday: The Spirit Realm

This is the first of a series of vlog discussing the spirit realm and mediumship, how to understand the universal perspective and how to int...

Elements That Might Affect Hauntings

Aokigahara Forest at the base of Mt. Fuji in Japan has taken on the tragic nickname of "Suicide Forest." Every year, hundreds of d...


I talked extensively in my book, " Was That a Ghost? " about the use of a ghost as a scapegoat within a trouble family dynamic. ...

Haunted Houses and Paranormal Encounters

I wrote my book "Was That a Ghost?" after years of helping people who are concerned about living in haunted house, but I also want...

I Saw a Ghost!

My book "Was That a Ghost" on Kindle and Nook helps those who believe they've had a ghostly encounter. One of the first ques...

Do Happy People Haunt?

"She's trapped in this place, not aware that she's dead." "He's waiting for his wife who used to live there."...

The Spirit's Point of View

You know that moment in a dream when it's an emergency and you rush to a phone only to find you have no coins in any pockets or you can&...

Ghostly Phone Calls?

There are some questions I repeatedly hear when people talk to me about ghost hunting. “Do ghosts follow you home?” “Can ghosts have sex wit...

Ghosts as Scapegoats

In working on my “Was That a Ghost?” book, I had to set aside a section just to discuss this phenomenon. No, it's not paranormal, but it...

Isolation: Why Do Ghosts Pick on One Family Member?

I’ve been asked this question quite a few times. Why does only one person in a family experience haunting issues while others don’t? Logic t...

How Do You Know If It's Residual?

Let’s begin with what residual hauntings are. Many people word it differently, but it basically is a phenomenon in which an event from the p...

How To Talk To Ghosts

Ghost hunting shows portray bad technique left and right, but my biggest pet peeve is their EVP sessions! Imagine you're sitting at home...

What Are Ghosts Made Of?

What are ghosts made up of? There are lots of explanations. In the Victorian era, ghosts were proclaimed to be made of ectoplasm, a nasty ...

The case for and against Ghosts as Souls

I’ve never really sat down to explain the dichotomy inside of me. Oh, no, I’m not talking about the lover of all things horror who is also b...

Where Do Apparitions go?

Did you ever wonder where that apparition hides when you’re not glimpsing it for all of the 4 seconds you saw it? What does it do with the o...

Shadow People: What are we talking about?

( *Don't forget Thursday is "Fact or Faked" on SyFy. Friday is review of "Fact or Faked," followed by another episod...