Spirit Energy: How To Recognize It and Use It

Spirit Energy: How To Recognize It and Use It

"Energy can neither be created nor destroyed; rather, it transforms from one form to another. For instance, chemical energy can be conv...
Cemetery Safety Bells, Morbid Death Mementos and Superstitions

Cemetery Safety Bells, Morbid Death Mementos and Superstitions

(funeral memento - above - with woven hair of the dead included) Giving up our dead is never an easy task and it doesn't matter what reg...
Halloween Trends 2017: My Advice For Designers/Manufacturers

Halloween Trends 2017: My Advice For Designers/Manufacturers

It may seem early to be considering 2017's Halloween trends, but it is not only a season of anticipation, it is also one that can take m...
Monsters in the Deepest Ocean!

Monsters in the Deepest Ocean!

The ocean takes up the majority of the surface on our world and yet so little of what is in it is known to us. Upon occasion, we come across...
Real-Life Goblins?

Real-Life Goblins?

Art by Luis Carrasco ( LINK ) I often note in my research how local and native legends repeat themes, whether it's encountering giants o...
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