"Ghost Adventures" Time To Play!

In the convoluted way my mind works, I struggled to find a Canadian musician at the peak of the golden music era of Canada, and hence chose the classic, Anne Murray. I suppose this means Zak and the Gang are going to Canada! Yup! Apparently, they went to the site of Canada's bloodiest battle. As I don't think of the Canadians as particularly war-minded folks or angry types, I will assume this was a Walmart and the battle was fought over warm winter slippers on sale.

Tonight's drinking game, same as always:
* Stay home
* Take a sip for every "bro," "dude," "man," and every time Zak is touched by the unseen and everytime Aaron's mouth drops open in horror.

The drink of choice? Canadian whiskey and hot spiced cider.

Don't forget that tonight at 7 pm EST we begin "Lonely on a Friday Night." You can drop in and comment back and forth and talk about anything, ask any question, chit chat, flirt, tell us how the show is coming along as you watch it.

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Related : "Ghost Adventures" Time To Play!