Mind Fuck Tuesday: Creating a Haunted Room

Bless their hearts! I love this one! Researchers at London's Goldsmith College decided to create a haunted room to test some theories about infrasound and EMF. Now, we're talking!

We've long been talking in the field about EMF and infrasound (levels with frequencies so low our ears can't hear it, but our body can--kind of like that bass sound in surround sound systems that you feel in your body).

So, they set out to design a room where people would be, in certain areas,
bombarded with EMF and infrasound and other areas would be clean.

After an hour in the room, three quarters of them reported at least three of these symptoms; dizziness, tingling, disembodiment, dream-remembrance and “a presence.” Several felt sexually aroused.

Here's the catch: None of these symptoms had anything to do with where they were standing in the room! It only showed a slightly higher chance that those who experience transcendental experiences(like those with temporal lobe epilepsy and unstable temporal lobes) scored higher at having these feelings in the predetermined areas.

So, what does this study show us? That some people are more susceptible or suggestible? That perhaps the conditions cannot be replicated that are found in the real world, such as variances in frequencies that we might be noting and not long periods of the same frequency that we might become tolerant of?

Where do we go from here? More lab studies? More field studies? Once and for all, perhaps we should put to rest the theories of EMF and infrasound as possibilities or perhaps prove that they might have an influence instead of making assumptions on what the "big guys" are saying without anything to back them up.

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