Ghost Adventures: New Episode! "Dam" Drinking Game!

Hales Bar Marina & Dam

This should be the best dam episode ever! I'm certain it'll be the best dam drinking game night ever. Now, all we need is for Zak to get tormented by the dam ghosts and go on one of his dam rampages.

It's time for me to give you the dam drinking game rules:


Take a sip/gulp for every "bro," "dude," "man," every time Zak thinks he's been touched, and every time Aaron's mouth hinges open in horror. Tonight's drink? Mojitos! It's my new fav. I have never been into mixed drinks but the taste is just unusual enough to keep me liking it. I'll never drink a dam Margarita again! LOL

BTW: They offer overnight investigations in this abandoned huge dam building in Tennessee.

**Don't forget Lonely on a Friday Night here. Come and go as you wish. I'll be here hosting and ready to enjoy the drinking game and watching the dam episode**

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