Underwater Aliens or Underwater ALIENS? USOs

Here's one sort of underwater alien variety...

But, is this another???

USOs are unidentified submerged objects. Technically, if UFOs can cut through our sky and maneuver as reported, the water would hold no limits for them either. In fact, what is deep in our sea might be of interest to a foreign observer. Or, is it possible that UFOs don't come from other planets, but were always in our sea beds, waiting to emerge when the time was right? There are lot of theories about that concept that there is a doomsday lurking in which they will all emerge when the times are ripe and that they occasionally emerge to see how much close we are to the "convergence."

The most famous USO event was "Shag Harbor" in Canada. In 1967, witnesses saw something with amber-colored lights drop down into the water in Shag Harbor in Eastern
Canada. A rescue team was dispatched to look for survivors. Fishing boats rushed in too. They found yellow foam on the water's surface, lots of bubbles and the smell of sulfur. The Coast Guard could find nothing either. Reports were that the craft was seen moving fast underwater out of the harbor. This well-witnessed event was the first real clue that there might be UFOs going from water to sky, sky to water.

If you were going to hide on a planet that had oxygen and H20, the gas making you visible and the liquid making you able to hide, where would you go? Kind of like standing out in an open field or behind the tree that's there. If you were going to park you RV, wouldn't you do it where there are facilities and privacy? I'm taking the practical side, but if UFOs are actually otherworldly vehicles (other dimensions or planets or time periods) then the purpose of going in and out of the water becomes clear--it's a "safe harbor."

Any way you look at it, what's in the sea is freaking amazing. Did you see that film above? Perhaps those aren't fish, but aliens??? Okay, kind of fanciful, but what a way to disguise oneself...

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