"Finding Bigfoot" Reviewed: Alaska!

(This is JAAG, my new Bigfoot buddy)

"Maybe it was a dumb squatch." (Best line of the episode)

Well, we reached the final episode (crying like a baby) and hopefully if the Animal Planet is smart they bring them back in the fall for another 6 episodes and cut the season into 2 six-episode runs. So far, the feedback from people on the blog has been extremely positive. We still haven't won people over on Fact or Faked, but this show caught your attention and was compelling to watch.

The episode was great and the interview with the kid was shivery, but the time in the woods was limited and I seriously wanted to see more time in the woods for an episode that had this much promise. After hearing that kid's encounter, I just wanted to see at least a half hour in the forest, but it was more like 8 minutes or something like that. (frown)

I'd seriously like to remove Matt and put in a professional tracker, some rough around the edges rustic dude who's like a savant of the woodlands, maybe relates to animals more than people. Then, the mix would be a dream. Oh, and I'd like to see them make BoBo wear dark clothes all the time because when he's standing in as a squatch, he really needs to look similar to the photos and witness reports as well as comparing the woodland in a similar fashion.

I suppose with the end of the season, I should just say what I like and don't like about the show. (Sorry, "Fact or Faked," I don't have a lot to rip apart like I did on your show.)

Graphics--I like the animations of BF. They're pretty sw-eet!
The team--With the exception of Matt, who I think is a bit of a tool, I'd do as I said above--replace him with a misanthropic tracker, perhaps with a name like "Malachi" or "Ezekiel." Three of the members not only have distinct roles, but are actually likable. You know on Gilligan's Island, everyone had a purpose? Well, I'd put Matt in the category of Mr. Howell--an expendable fellow.
Interviews--I just can't get enough of people recounting their encounters with BF. It's something I've always loved in documentaries too. When they talk to a town meeting, very cool, but when they take a few of the more worthy stories on the road and interview them on the spot, it makes it palpable to see the person there reenacting the situation.
Field Time--I'm thrilled we get what I always wanted from a BF show--time in the woods in the dark. I would seriously like a whole hour spent with them in the woods alone--no interviews, no animations--just them living in the woods and trekking around.
Tools--They switch up their methods and try new stuff. It's sometimes hilarious, but other times thought provoking.

Don't like...
Squatch alert--Of course, you know I gotta say it, "everything is a squatch!"

"Finding Bigfoot" you better be coming back because I'm probably going to memorize every freaking episode waiting for the next season, you lucky Bigfoot hunting bastards! Oh, and please plan an episode in the White Mountains in AZ.

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Related : "Finding Bigfoot" Reviewed: Alaska!