Inspirational Saturday: Name 10 Things!

Periodically and randomly, I give the people close to me a list of the 10 things I most admire about them. There is something about sharing what you're thinking about people that can change a person completely. Just knowing that things they hoped people noticed about them were noticed and appreciated can give them a confidence that they needed.

We keep a lot of thoughts to ourselves. I, personally, because of many losses in my life, have come to live my life where if I'm thinking
something nice about someone, I share it. I don't keep that to myself. What good does that do?

Everyone should know that spontaneously, someone thought something nice about them. It is so crucial that, to withhold those thoughts, is to kill a relationship. I know that because even under great duress, my ex could not give me a compliment. One time, when pressured, he said one day he was thinking my hair looked nice, but said nothing. That neglect was stacked atop another and another until it spelled d-i-v-o-r-c-e.

So, today, pick three people in your life and write 10 things you admire about them. It can be things like; you are kind to children, you set a good example for your sons, you always answer the phone when I call.

Here's 10 things I appreciate about my readers:

1. You are all very intelligent.
2. You have magnificent senses of humor.
3. You ask awesome questions.
4. You contribute hilarious, brilliant, and sassy responses.
5. You inspire posts.
6. You give me courage to be a writer.
7. You get my goofiness.
8. You put up with Dale the Doll and his posts.
9. You encourage my antics.
10. You make my day just by saying "hi."

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