The Devil's Box and What in the Hell Is She Up To Now?

Here's the concept of the devil's box in paranormal circles: You take six mirrors of equal size and make a cube with them. Now, you sit back and wait for strange voices and growls to emanate.

So, being the curious and skeptical creature, I made one for our next hunt at the end of the month. I'm willing to try such a device and see if it has some strange merit.

To their credit, whoever thought this up had an interesting concept. I am intrigued by the what I see to be firm correlations between feng shui (passage of energy through a room determined by the placement of objects, orientation of the room and windows, doors, fireplaces, et cetera) with activity. Mirrors are hell for bouncing around energy and a mirrored box turned mirror side out in the center of the room technically should make everyone in the room unable to relax because at all points in which you sit, energy is reflected back on you. Now, you take these mirrors and turn them against each other inward and you have the devil's box. We will place a recording device inside of the box and leave it alone in our room when we go out to supper on our hunt and see what we get.

So, what's up with the crazy redhead? Don't ask about the love life, it's a huge vacuum in space and perhaps even swallowing up a quasar at this point...

At the beginning of August expect me to start vlogging some and also reporting back on the experiments we're going to be
performing. I also am planning to cover the testing of old spiritualist's tools such as psychomanteums, Ouija, seances, devil's box and more. I want to talk about the basis for why they were utilized and some merits they might actually possess and their shortcomings.

I will be expanding my YouTube channel even more (button bottom right of this screen). I hope to start doing more IR video, more alone in scary places videos, some under 5-minute documentaries and just some totally goofy shit.

On the writing front, Julie and I are finishing up writing "Kickin' Up Dust (Getting Lost to Find Ourselves)" and have a blog set up for it where you can see pics and hear about our crazy road trips and videos. We're sort of what we call the Thelma and Louise if the paranormal world. Even though my "Sheriff Kai: Zombie Outlaw Killer" blog hasn't started it's 30-day countdown to publishing, the unedited opening scene is up for your enjoyment (hopefully).

This October, Dale will no doubt be going insane and possessed as usual, but expect me to cover a lot of Halloween things I'll be attending, as well as hopefully organizing another blogging zombie walk where participating bloggers put a list of links to all the blogs involved and readers can click on links and go from blog to blog seeing/reading zombie related stuff.

Besides going to a lecture next week that I'll be reporting on and also sharing pics and vids of Julie and I urban exploring, our team is also doing a 2-night hunt and a Bigfoot hunt this year. We also plan to do a UFO hunt, perhaps a hunt at Vulture Mine and other unexpected testing of unusual places and unusual hunting methods.

Yeah, I take the hunt seriously, but the peripherals like the ride up and the ride down and the reporting back on the findings--I'm a total goofball. I know when to be serious and when to yuck it up (though I'm guessing past bed partners might not agree with that claim).

**Join me here for Lonely on a Friday Night tonight if you're just hanging out**

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