Tonight's episode of GH
Wondering what's playing alongside GH? Well, a new show called "Paranormal Witness."
It sounds a bit like "A Haunting" as far as it being people who have had paranormal encounters describing the events. I'm willing to watch it because each person's story speaks for itself instead of seeing the same team tackle
Wondering what's playing alongside GH? Well, a new show called "Paranormal Witness."
It sounds a bit like "A Haunting" as far as it being people who have had paranormal encounters describing the events. I'm willing to watch it because each person's story speaks for itself instead of seeing the same team tackle
the same issues week after week. I love a good ghost story and I also appreciate how others lives have changed following such an event. A person's world is truly turned on its axis to figure out what the heck this phenomena is about--hence blogs like "Ghost Hunting Theories" and books like my "Was That a Ghost?" Here's a sample of the show below: