I have been watching Scott Shoyer's writing for six years now and I am so impressed by his creativity, grit, and natural talent. His second book in the Outbreak series is out - yahoo!
The first book Outbreak: The Hunger had me riveted. I would love to see this one in a movie! The new one in the series,
href="http://paranormalactivityz.blogspot.com/Outbreak-Mutation-Dead-Team-Alpha/dp/1925342689/ref=sr_1_1?s=digital-text&ie=UTF8&qid=1448436313&sr=8-1&keywords=9781925342680">Outbreak: The Mutation.
Outbreak: The Mutation, Volume Two in theTrend-Bucking Zombie Trilogy, Releases a Deadly, Unstoppable Zombie Horde on the World—Hailed as “A Frightening, Violent, and Gory Un-Dead Story”
Masterfully crafted by Scott Shoyer, The Mutation, the powerful second volume in the Outbreak trilogy, continues to break the stagnant mold of zombie fiction as it ensnare and brings readers along in a deadly last chance attempt to save the world from complete annihilation. The Mutation takes place two years after a deadly virus swept across the world. Not only does Shoyer have his readers follow two groups of people as they fight for survival, but he again takes readers where they have never been before—this time on a horrifying trip inside the minds of the deadly zombies themselves. The Mutation is intense, violent, and brings the genre back from the dead.
Outbreak: The Mutation, Volume Two in theTrend-Bucking Zombie Trilogy, Releases a Deadly, Unstoppable Zombie Horde on the World—Hailed as “A Frightening, Violent, and Gory Un-Dead Story”
Masterfully crafted by Scott Shoyer, The Mutation, the powerful second volume in the Outbreak trilogy, continues to break the stagnant mold of zombie fiction as it ensnare and brings readers along in a deadly last chance attempt to save the world from complete annihilation. The Mutation takes place two years after a deadly virus swept across the world. Not only does Shoyer have his readers follow two groups of people as they fight for survival, but he again takes readers where they have never been before—this time on a horrifying trip inside the minds of the deadly zombies themselves. The Mutation is intense, violent, and brings the genre back from the dead.
Be sure and check out his blog (Anything Horror), too. The man knows horror like no one's business!